Today is Friday the 11th. We are waiting for our facilitator, Natasha, to come to Berdyansk from Kiev. She has been finalizing a few things for us there before she comes to see us today. Yesterday, another facilitator, Victor, filled in for Natasha, and took us to the orphanage to meet the girls while being viewed by the director of the orphanage (Galena), and the inspector of the state. First, they asked if we were still interested in all of the girls, and then the inspector and her assistant debated as to whether it was okay or not for us to adopt Sveta (since she was 18). They decided it was okay, and then wondered how to do it, as she was now outside the jurisdiction of the SDA. They figured out that we would just bypass the usual SDA formalities and just present her along with the other two girls at court time. Then the orphanage's doctor came in and did a quick review of the girls' last medical exam back in April. Everything checked out okay. Although, they wanted to let me know that Olya has a slight scoliosis. They started to try to explain to me what it was, and I explained that I knew what it meant. They didn't understand that I was chiropractor, and they didn't believe that I would actually know what that was, so they insisted on explaining to me what scoliosis was. Ha, ha...what a hoot. Later, I explained to Victor what I do, and he just laughed and laughed.
Then they brought in the girls. Another happy reunion, although it was only Lena and Olya. Since Sveta did not fall within the SDA jurisdiction, they did not need her at this meeting. We sat down and the inspector asked the girls if they were happy with us, and if they wanted to be adopted and go to the United States. They both said "yes", and then the inspector made them put it in writing. That was a proud moment for Janet and me. It's one thing to hear them say that they want to be adopted, but it's another to see them have to put it in writing in front of an official.
That finished the meeting, so then we went for a brief tour of the orphanage. First, we saw a display room for the art made by the kids. Then we saw the infirmary and dining area/kitchen. They also showed us a couple of rooms where the young children were studying and also where they slept. Thankfully, as it was kind of emotional for Janet and me, we did not stand there long, and they took us outside to the playground. The inspector and her assistant said goodbye and left by taxi. What was funny, was
that they made me pay the taxi cab driver for their travel. That's the gov't for ya! As soon as they left, the director said we could hang outside with the kids for awhile. I joked with Olya that we should play some soccer, her favorite sport. Big mistake! She ran off immediately and came back with a soccer ball and a BIG SMILE on her face :). So, we hit the soccer field. Some other kids saw us, and joined us, and then it was a full out game. Got another workout today, besides the jog I had early this morning.Janet and Lena stood on the side and watched. Some younger girls came over to Janet and showed off their hula hoop skills. Somehow, Janet convinced me to come over and
give it a try, too. They all got a big laugh off that.
Then Lena ran off and said she would be back in a minute. Shortly, she returned with a boy about her age named Volva, and she explained that this was her 'friend who was a boy'...not to be mistaken with a 'boyfriend'. (Mmm-hmm, I'll bet, ha ha). He was very nice and respectful, and kind of shy. I convinced him to come out and play soccer with us.
That was a fun day and now with the inspector's approval, we can now actually start our paperwork. As soon as Natasha gets here in Berdyansk, we will start. Otherwise, it's possible
It was another fun day, but tomorrow we get busy. We will be up and at’em to do paperwork at 8am and will go all day. Some more of the same on Tuesday. Basically, we are putting together another portfolio to get an approval for our court hearing. If all goes well, we’ll get that done this week, and maybe get a court date the following week. Sounds like we will not get to see the girls for a couple of days. If we do, it’ll be just a quick a ‘hi and bye’.we will visit some more with the kids this weekend, and we plan on hitting the market (kind of a flea market next to the hotel) this weekend, and just do a little walking and sightseeing.
That finished the meeting, so then we went for a brief tour of the orphanage. First, we saw a display room for the art made by the kids. Then we saw the infirmary and dining area/kitchen. They also showed us a couple of rooms where the young children were studying and also where they slept. Thankfully, as it was kind of emotional for Janet and me, we did not stand there long, and they took us outside to the playground. The inspector and her assistant said goodbye and left by taxi. What was funny, was
Then Lena ran off and said she would be back in a minute. Shortly, she returned with a boy about her age named Volva, and she explained that this was her 'friend who was a boy'...not to be mistaken with a 'boyfriend'. (Mmm-hmm, I'll bet, ha ha). He was very nice and respectful, and kind of shy. I convinced him to come out and play soccer with us.
That was a fun day and now with the inspector's approval, we can now actually start our paperwork. As soon as Natasha gets here in Berdyansk, we will start. Otherwise, it's possible
Keep up the blog...we just love reading about your adventures. It brings us back to our adoption process. We definately know what you are going thru and we pray it all goes quickly for you.
Fred, Janelle, and Bella Gallatin
Doc and Janet,
Thanks for keeping us updated on your adoption progress. We will be praying (these ten days) that no one appeals! We are so excited for you all!!! Please tell your daughters of our eagerness to meet them.
Jacque & Heath Budden
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